Coalition Building for Change

In the pursuit of our 2024 priorities for education equity, we recently hosted a coalition meeting, bringing together our partners, including Make the Road, Citizen Action, New York Communities for Change, and the New York City Coalition for Educational Justice. This strategic session in Albany allowed our newest members to get familiar with our priorities and strengthened our capacity as a coalition to work towards our shared goals.

Celebrating Education Champions

Our annual Champions of Education celebration was a resounding success! The event allowed us to honor individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to education equity. It also allowed us to fundraise for our critical advocacy and political work for the year ahead. Your support played a critical role in making this event possible, shining a spotlight on those who are dedicated to advancing the cause of a quality education for all New York students.

AQE’s Proud Female Leadership Continues

Jasmine Gripper moves to co-lead the New York chapter of the Working Families Party, while Marina Marcou-O’Malley and Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari step up as interim leadership.

Speaking Truth to Power

At AQE, we firmly believe in holding our leaders accountable. Recently Mayor Adams called for another round of cuts, and we wasted no time in addressing these concerning calls. Your support allows us to speak truth to power and defend the resources needed for our youngest New Yorkers. Thank you!

Other Updates

We are collecting responses this fall to our school funding survey from parents, school officials and teachers across New York State, to uncover the impact of Foundation Aid on New York’s public schools.

AQE Advocacy Director and interim co-Executive Director Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari was named in PoliticsNY’s 2023 Power Players in Education.

Our new report published in September highlights what fully funded Foundation Aid means for chronically underfunded school districts, with vital insights for addressing disparities in upcoming budget session.